This didn't happen to me but I found it on the web. 

As you all know I do tech support for an ISP. This is a call I got

Lady: Sir I have a PERTINENT question for you. (she actually used the
word pertinent)  

Me: Yes Ma'am, How can I help you?  

Lady: You see, I found a cat in my building.  

Me: Yes? ( wtf??? )  

Lady: So I go to my Outlook Express, I typed in the name of the city I
live in, and surrounding  municipalities... I wrote a message that I
found a cat, my address and my phone number. And I click "SEND ALL", The
e-mail does not want to go! There is a error message. How do I send my
neighbours a message saying I found a cat????  

ME: Ma'am, let me explain something to you... (and I go on explaining
between fits of convulsive laughter how e-mail works)...  

Lady: So what do I do with the cat?  

Me: Can I suggest SPCA.  

Lady : But You're Tech support! You have to help me!!!!!!!  

ME : (Banging my head on desk) I'm sorry ma'am, I can't help you with

Lady: Well thanks a lot!!!!!!  

She hung up....I really need to go back to school. 


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