> I'm actually considering trying out a recumbent street bike - but I'm
> worried that my weight will be an even bigger factor there.  I can
> definitely (now that I've been riding for a coupla years) do more than 6
> miles in a 1/2 hour, but in traffic you've got red-lights and such -
> slows you down.  ;^)

i have five recumbents, and know a bunch of recumbent riders, and some of
them are big.  if your commute isn't too hilly, you will love a bent.

> I've got four big hills on the route to work (one of the nastiest is the
> Longfellow bridge - at the end of the ride and a looooong steady slope).

Well then, you need to rent or borrow a bent for a week and give it a shot.
I learned to ride on a bent and i can now climb any hill on an upright!  its
a great technique builder.

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