How do I let dream weaver and the CFMX administrator know that I changed the
name of the CFIDE directory so I can stop getting 404 errors every time I
try to use the tag inspection.

Also I have the following line:

<cfset temp = createObject('component', 'Administrator')>

Inside my user.cfc if the person is an administrator. I was wondering three

1.  Why does it say it can't find the template Administrator.cfc.  It's
their, in the same directory.  Just to make sure I even used the specific
path like:

        <cfset temp = createObject('component',
Still errors out.

2.  Can someone finally please explain the var keyword in CFCs in plain
english that I can understand when I need to use it and when I don't?

3. If I create an isAdmin() function in the user class, than an isAdmin() in
the administrator class will it override correctly when I instantiate an

Timothy Heald 
Overseas Security Advisory Council 
U.S. Department of State 

"that the free Constitution, which is the work of your hands, may be
sacredly maintained" - George Washington, Farewell Address 1796

-----Original Message-----
From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 2:44 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: OOCF, CFCs and the questionnaire app

1) The tag definitions are not set up correctly within studio (assuming that
is what you are using). You can edit tag definitions by hitting F8,
selecting 'Tag Completion', and adding these tags to the list.

2) Purely dependent on your object heirarchy, but it sounds like category is
an attribute of question. Of course, if you are going to create objects
called category which will possess other salient characteristics, such as
name, value, etc. you might need to rethink this approach. The whole point
is that objects have meaning enough that it makes sense to reuse them.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 2:10 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: OOCF, CFCs and the questionnaire app

    The boss and I are using the questionnaire app to expand our skill set
some during lunch.  We are looking at how to objectify it, what methods to
have, what might be good to break into a web service.  During this process
several questions have arisen.
1. Why the hell won't CF 5 close my CFMX tags like cfcomponent or
cffunction? I know I am being lazy but so what.
2.  How do you break up things that deal with one of an object
(getQuestion()) and deal with several instances at once
(getQuestionsByCat())?  Say I want to list all the questions in a category.
Is that properly a method of the question object, or do I need a category
    So far we have decided on the following objects and methods
        newUser - constructor, will be used after login to create as a
session object that will go through the site with the users credentials,
basically just a db query to pull the users info and check the login
        getUser - used to look up users, say in an address book like manner
        setUser - input new user info, used for registration.  Should this
be broken up more in to things like setAddress, setEmail?  Also can your
override functions in CFMX?  I guess I could get the same effect just by
doing some conditional work inside the method right?
        addQuestion - enter a new question.  Question would still need to be
approved by an administrator - calls question constructor??
    Administrator - extends user
        newAdministrtator - constructor - called if the user has admin
rights.  What's the way to make this happen in the newUser constructor
        approveQuestion - Approve a user entered question
        approveUsers - Approve a new user application. Figured make it so it
can handle many users at once.  Should it be for a single user and then just
something you do many times?
        getNewUsers - Gets the listing of new user application
        newQuestion - question constructor
        getQuestion - pulls a specific question
        getAnswers - pulls the answers for a specific question 
        getAnswersByUser - pulls a users answers
        getQuestions - list of all questions
        getQuestionsByCategory - pulls questions by category 
        answer - answer a question
        setCategory - set the questions category
        setQuestion - edit/enter a question
I guess that's about it.  See anything I am missing?  Am I putting anything
in the wrong place?
Timothy Heald 
Overseas Security Advisory Council 
U.S. Department of State 
"that the free Constitution, which is the work of your hands, may be
sacredly maintained" - George Washington, Farewell Address 1796

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