er .. its cack i searched 'law training' .. 0 results .. wtf!
SteG. -----Original Message----- From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 02 June 2003 15:19 To: CF-Community Subject: RE: Turbo10 ! New Search Engine Challenges Google! 0_0 Its better! And you heard it here first! Eat a muffin and like it! *passes warm blueberry muffin to Dan* *goes back to playing around with cool new webtoy* Oooh! Let's see what it finds for Coldfusion MX... -Gel ;-P -----Original Message----- From: Dan Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I saw some postings about that on One user said it looked like something from the 80s. The idea is not really new though. Dogpile used to do the same thing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Archives: Subscription: Get the mailserver that powers this list at Unsubscribe: