Heh, my friends always called me the old man. Even before the kids came
home, my 'perfect' night at the club was Wednesday when the place was
empty and I could just drink and listen to the music w/o being bothered
by the crowds. I also refuse to speed (pretty much). I'm an old
fuddy-duddy already. ;)

> 30?
> I'm 53 and sexier than ever!
> ;-)
> > You know, that's actually the only part I -don't- like. I 
> didn't like 
> > the whole 'rub down' scene in the premier either. I turned 30 a few 
> > months back - am I turning into a prude? ;) I also don't like the 
> > commercials for the shampoo with the fake orgasms. It just seems a 
> > bit... much. (And is anyone here disgusted that they use 
> sex to sell 
> > Uncle Ben's Rice? I mean, come on!)

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