This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --_NextPart_000_1063807956_CFX_iMSMail_132814096 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Hi, I'm having a problem displaying some directories. Below are two sample variables. URLDecode(dir) = d:\reports\csl\ SESSION.DisplayShowMe = D:\reports\aclg, D:\reports\breg, D:\reports\cdir, D:\reports\cfam, D:\reports\chfl, D:\reports\cmtgl, D:\reports\cpen, D:\reports\cres, D:\reports\csl, D:\reports\csl\sgml\tse\tsed, D:\reports\csl\sgml\tse\tsem, D:\ed_depot #indent#   #SESSION.stDirFileName[i]# When I run the code above not all the subdirectories get listed within \reports\csl\. Only the SGML directory. Why? I know I'm checking for just an occurence but how can I do an "exact" match for just "D:\reports\csl" only and not include D:\reports\csl\sgml\tse\tsed or D:\reports\csl\sgml\tse\tsem? It's matching on the "sgml" and only listing that directory. I only want it to match up to the third "\" and NOTHING past. How can I do this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Get the mailserver that powers this list at --_NextPart_000_1063807956_CFX_iMSMail_132814096 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Hi, I'm having a problem displaying some directories. Below are two sample variables. URLDecode(dir) = d:\reports\csl\ SESSION.DisplayShowMe = D:\reports\aclg, D:\reports\breg, D:\reports\cdir, D:\reports\cfam, D:\reports\chfl, D:\reports\cmtgl, D:\reports\cpen, D:\reports\cres, D:\reports\csl, D:\reports\csl\sgml\tse\tsed, D:\reports\csl\sgml\tse\tsem, D:\ed_depot <cfif FindNoCase(URLDecode(dir),SESSION.DisplayShowMe)> <cfoutput> <tr> <td class="dirlinks" align="right">#indent#</td> <td valign="bottom" width="16" height="13"> <a href="#cgi.script_name#?dir=#URLEncodedFormat(dir)##URLEncodedFormat(SESSION.stDirFileName[i])#\" class="dirlinks" alt="#SESSION.stDirFileName[i]#"><img src="" border="0">&nbsp;</a> </td> <td valign="middle" width="100%"> <!--- Display directory folders ---> <a href="#cgi.script_name#?dir=#URLEncodedFormat(dir)##URLEncodedFormat(SESSION.stDirFileName[i])#\" class="dirlinks" alt="#SESSION.stDirFileName[i]#"> #SESSION.stDirFileName[i]#</a> </td> </tr> </cfoutput> </cfif> When I run the code above not all the subdirectories get listed within \reports\csl\. Only the SGML directory. Why? I know I'm checking for just an occurence but how can I do an "exact" match for just "D:\reports\csl" only and not include D:\reports\csl\sgml\tse\tsed or D:\reports\csl\sgml\tse\tsem? It's matching on the "sgml" and only listing that directory. I only want it to match up to the third "\" and NOTHING past. How can I do this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
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