Jerry was a racecar driver. He drove so &[EMAIL PROTECTED] fast...

Jerry Johnson
Racecar driver

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/24/03 11:03AM >>>
Going down to Southpark gonna have myself a time ~

Jim Campbell wrote:

> FYI - any of you late-20's, early-30's types on the list: Primus has
> re-formed, and is hitting the road.  I've got two tickets to the Chicago
> show on Nov. 7 at the Riviera, and it looks like the tickets everywhere
> are moving at a moderate pace, so if you're near a major metropolitan
> area and are interested in seeing them, check out Ticketmaster (if you
> can stand the "convenience charge"), since they may not yet be sold out.
> - Jim
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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