Hey MikeyD,

L'Shanah Tovah !!

and if you turn your sig around, do you maybe get:

Clients - finding problems you didn't know you had with the technical

<hee hee>


> All of the lists on House of Fusion will be moving to HTML formatted mail. This
> will mean that you will get your posts in the exact same way you do now, with
> all HTML, Spam, scripts and viruses removed but with an HTML banner in the
> footer of the post. This footer will help raise funds to provide additional
> resources on House of Fusion including the well received Best of Talk and paid
> technical articles.
> For those who do not wish to view the HTML banner, a text only option for mail
> has been provided. All you have to do is go to the subscription page (noted in
> the footer of this post) and uncheck the HTML button.
> In addition to the paid banner ads, at least 10% of all ads will be for
> non-profit community resources. If you run such a resource, please contact me
> off list and I will provide you with the information to set up a banner.
> Thank you
> Michael Dinowitz
> Finding technical solutions to the problems you didn't know you had yet


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