Right then. The vice president of the United States has received
significant financial compensation from a company which very much
benefited from the war he advocated and bringing up the resulting
conflict of interest is a CHEAP SHOT?

No doubt taken by those people who are rude enough to point out the
existence of the First and Fourth amendments.

You have to admire the chutzpah; he can't really believe this stuff he
walks around saying can he?


> Meantime the administration is trying to dodge some uncomfortable
> questions by  claiming they are the victims of "cheap political shot".
> http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/09/16/cheney.halliburton/index.html
> --
> Cheney aide rejects Halliburton questions
>  From John King
>   CNN Washington Bureau
> WASHINGTON (CNN) --Vice President Dick Cheney's office Tuesday
> dismissed as "a political cheap shot" new Democratic questions about
> his financial stake in the energy services giant Halliburton, which
> has received lucrative contracts in postwar Iraq.
> --
> Coming from the masters of political cheap shots, why am I not
> surprised? I think I'm going to have a heart attack and die from not
> surprised.
> larry
> >Sleaze is an understatement.  This is getting a lot of coverage on the Fox and
> >other networks Sunday morning shows, and all of them have Condoleezza Rice
> >crawfishing and backstepping and refusing to answer questions, referring all
> >questions to the Justice Department, who, of course in known for their
> >stonewalling and lack of any attention to administration miscreants.
> >
> >What amazes me is that there is still around 48% of the populace that still
> >supports this administration.
> >
> >The week in review:
> >
> >Levi-Strauss to close all US plants - moving all jobs off-shore.  Loss of 800+
> >jobs in my area, which followed closely on the heels of a Sony Plant
> >closing and
> >2800 layoff, plus several more.
> >
> >Unemployment, mortgage foreclosures, jobless claims, are rising exponentially,
> >while the administration still fails to take action against the Corporate
> >thieves and fatcats that have been pillaging the stockholders for
> >their personal
> >gain, retiree's retirement funds are still being gutted, the borders are still
> >insecure,
> >
> >IT salaries continue to fall, so folks, be careful if you are thinking about
> >changin g jobs, and if already laid off, you will be receiving much
> >lower salary
> >offers for identical duties from employers.
> >
> >Two years ago in this area, experienced Network administrators were averaging
> >$55-65K in incomes, and now current offers are in the vicinity of $10-12 per
> >hour for the same job, and the employers are still getting plenty of
> >applicants.
> >
> >Experienced CF and Web developers are being offered wages in the
> >area of $10-15
> >per hour.  Even consultants who were bidding short term gigs at $40. and above
> >are being passed over, as that price range is considered non-competitive.
> >
> >Things continue to look dim for the coming year as well.
> >
> >Advice: If you are still full time employed - make immediate crash
> >plans to get
> >yourself out of debt, and avoid any new debt, for at least the next 12 months.
> >Keep your resume updated and detailed, and polish up your interview
> >skills.  If
> >you are already unemployed, become as frugal as possible and prepare to accept
> >employment in your field at 40-60% of your previous earnings for the same
> >responsibilities, or alternatively, look around to see if a career
> >change could
> >hel p you support your family.  Prepare to accept a much lower standard of
> >living.  Be not ashamed.
> >
> >Write your representatives and ask for a 100% tariff on overseas
> >jobs providing
> >services in the US.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >| Was she out of the country somewhere?
> >|
> >| Dana
> >|
> >| Larry C. Lyons writes:
> >|
> >| > This administration is just getting sleazier and sleazier.
> >| >
> >| > larry
> >| >
> >| >
> ><http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A11208-2003Sep27?language=printer>http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A11208-2003Sep27?language=printer
> >| >
> >| > Bush Administration Is Focus of Inquiry
> >| > CIA Agent's Identity Was Leaked to Media
> >| >
> >| > By Mike Allen  and Dana Priest
> >| >   Washington Post Staff Writers
> >| >    Sunday, September 28, 2003; Page A01
> >| >
> >| > At CIA Director George J. Tenet's request, the Justice Department is
> >| > looking into an allegation that  administration officials leaked the
> >| > name of an undercover CIA officer to a journalist, government sources
> >| > said yesterday.| >
> >| > The operative's identity was published in July after her husband,
> >| > former U.S. ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, publicly challenged
> >| > President Bush's claim that Iraq had tried to buy "yellowcake"
> >| > uranium ore from Africa for possible use in nuclear weapons. Bush
> >| > later backed away from the claim.
> >| >
> >| > The intentional disclosure of a covert operative's identity  is a
> >| > violation of federal law.
> >| >
> >| > The officer's name was disclosed on July 14 in a syndicated column by
> >| > Robert D. Novak, who said his sources were two senior administration
> >| > officials.
> >| >
> >| > Yesterday, a senior administration official said that before Novak's
> >| > column ran, two top White House officials called at least six
> >| > Washington journalists and disclosed the identity and occupation of
> >| > Wilson's wife. Wilson had just revealed that the CIA had sent him to
> >| > Niger last year to look into the uranium claim and that he had found
> >| > no evidence to back up the charge. Wilson's account touched off a
> >| > political fracas over Bush's use of intelligence as he made the case
> >| > for attacking Iraq.
> >| >
> >| > "Clearly, it was meant purely and simply for revenge," the senior
> >| > official said of the alleged leak.
> >
> >[
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