lol yea maybe if he went out and had someone give him a blowjob we could
impeach his stupid ass too

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-----Original Message-----
From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 11:00 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Bush Administration accused of deliberately leaking the
name of a covert operative out of revenge.

Sleaze is an understatement.  This is getting a lot of coverage on the
Fox and
other networks Sunday morning shows, and all of them have Condoleezza
crawfishing and backstepping and refusing to answer questions, referring
questions to the Justice Department, who, of course in known for their
stonewalling and lack of any attention to administration miscreants.

What amazes me is that there is still around 48% of the populace that
supports this administration.

The week in review:

Levi-Strauss to close all US plants - moving all jobs off-shore.  Loss
of 800+
jobs in my area, which followed closely on the heels of a Sony Plant
closing and
2800 layoff, plus several more.

Unemployment, mortgage foreclosures, jobless claims, are rising
while the administration still fails to take action against the
thieves and fatcats that have been pillaging the stockholders for their
gain, retiree's retirement funds are still being gutted, the borders are

IT salaries continue to fall, so folks, be careful if you are thinking
changing jobs, and if already laid off, you will be receiving much lower
offers for identical duties from employers.

Two years ago in this area, experienced Network administrators were
$55-65K in incomes, and now current offers are in the vicinity of $10-12
hour for the same job, and the employers are still getting plenty of

Experienced CF and Web developers are being offered wages in the area of
per hour.  Even consultants who were bidding short term gigs at $40. and
are being passed over, as that price range is considered

Things continue to look dim for the coming year as well.

Advice: If you are still full time employed - make immediate crash plans
to get
yourself out of debt, and avoid any new debt, for at least the next 12
Keep your resume updated and detailed, and polish up your interview
skills.  If
you are already unemployed, become as frugal as possible and prepare to
employment in your field at 40-60% of your previous earnings for the
responsibilities, or alternatively, look around to see if a career
change could
help you support your family.  Prepare to accept a much lower standard
living.  Be not ashamed.

Write your representatives and ask for a 100% tariff on overseas jobs
services in the US.

| Was she out of the country somewhere?
| Dana
| Larry C. Lyons writes:
| > This administration is just getting sleazier and sleazier.
| >
| > larry
| >
| >
| >
| > Bush Administration Is Focus of Inquiry
| > CIA Agent's Identity Was Leaked to Media
| >
| > By Mike Allen  and Dana Priest
| >   Washington Post Staff Writers
| >    Sunday, September 28, 2003; Page A01
| >
| > At CIA Director George J. Tenet's request, the Justice Department is
| > looking into an allegation that  administration officials leaked the
| > name of an undercover CIA officer to a journalist, government
| > said yesterday.
| >
| > The operative's identity was published in July after her husband,
| > former U.S. ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, publicly challenged
| > President Bush's claim that Iraq had tried to buy "yellowcake"
| > uranium ore from Africa for possible use in nuclear weapons. Bush
| > later backed away from the claim.
| >
| > The intentional disclosure of a covert operative's identity  is a
| > violation of federal law.
| >
| > The officer's name was disclosed on July 14 in a syndicated column
| > Robert D. Novak, who said his sources were two senior administration
| > officials.
| >
| > Yesterday, a senior administration official said that before Novak's
| > column ran, two top White House officials called at least six
| > Washington journalists and disclosed the identity and occupation of
| > Wilson's wife. Wilson had just revealed that the CIA had sent him to
| > Niger last year to look into the uranium claim and that he had found
| > no evidence to back up the charge. Wilson's account touched off a
| > political fracas over Bush's use of intelligence as he made the case
| > for attacking Iraq.
| >
| > "Clearly, it was meant purely and simply for revenge," the senior
| > official said of the alleged leak.


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