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I just started learning PHP today, and wow! I like coldfusion better, but I went through 200 pages out of 800. ok ok ok, the first 80 pages were just installation instructions and i totally skipped through it, and maybe 70 of the rest of the pages were basic programming stuff. But still! :)
[Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]
[Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]
- iTunes for Windows on the way Jim Campbell
- Re: iTunes for Windows on the way Kevin Graeme
- Re: iTunes for Windows on the way Jim Campbell
- Re: iTunes for Windows on the way Larry C. Lyons
- Re: iTunes for Windows on the way Kevin Graeme
- Re: PHP, woohoo! brob
- Re: PHP, woohoo! Kevin Graeme
- Re: PHP, woohoo! brob
- Oh The Shame! brob
- Re:Oh The Shame! cantrl . a
- Re: Re:Oh The Shame! brob
- Re: Re:Oh The Shame! Dana Tierney
- Re: Oh The Shame! jon hall
- Re: Oh The Shame! brob
- Re: Oh The Shame! Charlie Griefer
- Re: Oh The Shame! brob