I think this is definitely the right path for you. You should definitely be
heavily medicated.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cantrell, Adam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 11:03 AM
Subject: advice

> I made the mistake of turning on the TV at home last night. On comes this
> sincere looking fellow complaining about how when he's at work he's
> about things at home, and that when he's at home he's worrying about
> at work. I got to thinking about what he was saying and somehow started to
> worry about work. After some worrying about work, I started worrying about
> what would happen if I started to worry about home tomorrow when I get to
> work. I find myself sitting here at work today worrying about how I spent
> time at home last night - that is, watching commercials telling me I
> be worrying about work while I'm at home, and worrying about home while
> at work. It's worrying me that I'm spending my time at work worrying about
> how I spent my night at home worrying about whether I would be worrying
> about home at work today. This never really happened until I watched this
> commercial, so my question is - should I just stop watching TV, or should
> do like the commercial told me and ask my doctor about Paxil? Maybe with
> Paxil I could then watch the commercial telling me to worry about home
> at work, and work while at home, and not have to worry about falling down
> the worry about work/home spiral of doom - I could laugh at the TV -
> that's not me!!! I take Paxil! I can watch this commercial and not worry
> about starting to worry about home while at work and work while at home -
> can just sit here watching TV and not worry about a thing - take that!"
> I think the Paxil is the better choice here, I mean why should I have to
> stop watching Paxil commercials because they make me worry when I can just
> take Paxil and not worry about the Paxil commercials making me worry
> anymore? Do you think this is the right path for me to take?
> Adam.
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