One Ping to rule them all,
One Ping to find them,
One Ping to resolve them all,
And in the DNS BIND them.
Erika L Walker-Arnold wrote:
> oh this is good... very very very good ....
> so very good it's great ....
> so great I'm pringing it out....
> :D
> Cheers,
> Erika
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 10:31 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: LURKER or NEWBIE, you decide! (was RE: Muffins: flash in
> the pan)
> Because these muffins are forged in the great fires of Mount Fusion.
> There's an old poem...
> Three Muffins for the lurkers behind the list
> Seven for the posters behind their monitors
> Nine for Mortals doomed to unsubscribe
> One for the List Lord on his old PIII
> In the House of Fusion where the old Posts die
> One Muffiin to rule them all, One Muffin to find them
> One Muffin to bring them all and in cyberspace bind them
> In the House of Fusion where the old Posts die
> - Matt Small
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