Actually, in ASP, one does not need to explicitly close connections.  Connection pooling takes care of that.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Densmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, December 8, 2003 8:46 am
Subject: RE: How does ASP and CF work - need documentation

> When you open a connection to do queries in ASP you use a Close
> statement at the end which should kill that connection so it is
> not open
> anymore for that request. So your theory is correct. I'm sure
> there are
> times when this may not work and it could go into some infinite
> loop but
> it should close. Here is some example code, You'll notice the
> MyRecordset2.Close and MyConnection2.Close statements
> Ben
> <code>
> If Session("Authenticated") = 1 Then
> Dim MyConnection2
> Set MyConnection2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> Call MyConnection2.Open("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver
> (*.mdb)};DBQ=database.mdb")
> Session ("Username") = Request("gebruikersnaam")
> Dim MySQLstatement2
> MySQLstatement2 = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE gebruikersnaam = '" _
> & Request("gebruikersnaam") & "'"
> Dim MyRecordset2
> Set MyRecordset2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
> Call MyRecordset2.Open(MySQLstatement2, MyConnection2)
> If MyRecordset2.EOF Then
> MySQLstatement2 = "UPDATE QUERY HERE"
> Call MyRecordset2.Close()
> Call MyRecordset2.Open(MySQLstatement2, MyConnection2)
> Call Response.Redirect("../../profiel.asp")
> Else
> Call Response.Redirect("../../login.asp")
> End If
> MyRecordset2.Close
> MyConnection2.Close
> Else
> Call Response.Redirect("../../login.asp")
> End If
> </code>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Everland III [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 9:18 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: How does ASP and CF work - need documentation
> I work with someone here that thinks he knows everything. Well his
> latest gospel is that for every connection to ASP it leaves the
> connection open thereby eventually causing the server to crap up with
> memory issues. We have a 4 processor XEON with 2.4 ghz processor,
> and 2
> GB of Ram, I don't think it will be an issue. Regardless of this I am
> pretty sure that the way that ASP and ColdFusion work is they
> create the
> dynamic page then send it to the client, and that's it. No more open
> connection, but I am not certain of this and don't  know the proper
> terms to search in order to find documentation on how it really works.
> Can anyone help me with this.
> Bob
>  _____  
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