haha sorry for some reason my pooter told me the first post did not go through
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Marlon Moyer
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:28 PM
  Subject: Re: Trippy Dream!!!11

  Whoa!  I just had a major deja vu moment!

  brob wrote:

  > ok, I have never smoked marijuana or done any kinds of drugs before
  > (I've only been drunk), but last night has got to be the weirdest
  > dream ever, because I was smoking marijuana in it and it felt awesome!!!!
  > But here's how it goes.  My car stalled and died in the middle of the
  > freeway, so I get on the left side to the emegency lane, and start
  > CRAWLING home.  that's right.  The emergency lane was that small I had
  > to crawl and the cars were coming TOWARDS me. i had to inch up against
  > the wall.  I tried to cross to the other side but the cars were coming
  > too fast, but I managed to pull it off, and on my way to the other
  > side I met a few old friends that were driving by.  When i finally got
  > to the other side, a friend of mine caught me and i asked him for a
  > ride and we talked about stuff that I won't get into, but he let his
  > brother drive, but he drove so crazy and FELL OFF the freeway.
  > This dream is hella long so I'll skip to the really cool part
  > (actually the stuff in between is just as cool, like a weird version
  > of "Cow and Chicken" that they watched on TV).  I remember it so well
  > cos I just woke up from it.  Anyhow we fell into a creek bed and there
  > was a family that lived in a tunnel down there and we spent time with
  > them.  Here's the cool part.  Their son had marijuana, and I smoked
  > it.  It smelled just like it was supposed to smell, but the
  > taste....it tasted like roasted moist ground up sunflower seeds with
  > the shells.  I smoked that first one about halfway and chewed and
  > swallowed the rest.  Then i asked the guy if anything bad will happen
  > but he looked at me funny and luaghed.  So I got another hit, and
  > thats when I started to feel it.  I felt very drowsy, hard to focus
  > and move my body, but it was fun tring to stay awake.  I was trying to
  > go into the restroom and wash my face and put my things together in a
  > bag.  But it was cool!!!
  > When I woke up, there was so much drool, and my right hand was numb
  > cos my head was sleepin on it.
  > I want a dream like this every night!
  > No, as curious as I am, I won't start doing any drugs! haha
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