You can gain points by explaining to your boss your situation and ask him
how he would handle it.  Since theres no good solution, he'll have to see
that when he tries to come up with ways to advise you.  Unless hes bossbert
of course.

As a bonus, at least your aide is trying though.


-----Original Message-----
From: C. Hatton Humphrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 8:45 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: supervisor by default


Everyone has to have at least a brushing experience with this kind of stuff.
It builds character ;)

Seriously though, you need to look at this as a mentor, not a supervisor.
It doesn't sound like the uppity-ups are thinking that you are going to
responsible for this guy's every movement, only pointing him in the
direction that he needs to be.  My honest advice would be to send him to
and make him read through it all.

Then hand him the latest CFWACK (ColdFusion Web Application Construction
Kit) and his lunch and tell him to go home read it, come back tomorrow ready
to code.

Tomorrow give him some old pages you've built and tell him to read through
the code and translate the CF into English and explain what each of the
pages does.  

If he can't do this then hand him a scrubber and tell him to do the toilets.

Okay, the toilets thing might be a little too much to ask, but all my
management experience came from my time in the Navy. :)

Good luck!  Be sure to vent your rants here so you can get other useless



From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 10:27 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: supervisor by default

Okay, so I'm not a supervisor. I don't pretend to be a supervisor. I don't
aspire to be a supervisor. I'm just a lowly code girl.

But, I am currently a supervisor by default. One of our departments decided
that since we couldn't do their project "fast enough" (in other words the
director of their department stuck them in a low-priority slot) that they'd
just hire their own student to do the project. Great.

So, it turns out this student has no CF experience, no practical database
experience, doesn't seem to know HTML fundamentals, and has written a whole
bunch of code by checking out a laptop from comp sci, downloading CF 4.5
(we're currently migrating to CFMX from 5.0), creating an access datasource
(we use Oracle), and writing crapola code. *sigh*

So, we met with him on Friday and find out all this, and talk to my boss,
who agrees to let him work on one of our computers. Guess who gets to try to
figure out how to train him?

On top of that, he said he'd come in yesterday afternoon. He never showed
up. I emailed him. He said he'd come in at 7:00 this morning. It's 9:25. He
just showed up.

Anyone got a heaping helping of patience and good will I can borrow?


Deanna Schneider
UWEX-Cooperative Extension
Interactive Media Developer

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