Yes, a few weeks ago as I pulled into the house from work I noticed something was weird with my second car.  It took a couple seconds to realize that someone had jacked up the rear end and taken a tire and rim.  I got a nice cinder block in exchange though!

It really pisses me off that people do things like that.  I would have given anything to have caught them in the act.  Ah, well, It's the first crime I've been the victim of so I suppose it could be worse.  And it's not like they were bling-bling rims or anything so I suppose they just needed one for their car.

Matt, I hope it was just the factory head unit and not an expensive one and amp, subs, etc.  Of course, factory head units aren't that cheap either.  Mabye you can use it as an excuse to get a nice mp3 or dvd deck?

Sorry about that, Charlie, glad everyone is ok though.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 11:10 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: My X-Mas (bitching and venting)

:-( :-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(:-(

I'm really sorry to hear that, Charlie.  I was robbed of my truck's
stereo about three weeks ago - the truck was in my driveway and it
happened while I was sleeping.  I totally empathize with you.

- Matt Small

On Monday, December 29, 2003, at 11:41 AM, Charlie Griefer wrote:

> My wife works for Wells Fargo bank as a phone banker.  Phone bankers
> are available 24/7, she had to work X-mas day (she had
> Thanksgiving off tho).  So my x-mas was spent cleaning out the garage
> (which I was glad to do, as it needed it).
> When my wife got home from work, she parked our truck in the street,
> since my garage-cleaning project was still in full force, and the
> driveway was full of garage-type-things.  She intended to move the
> truck into the driveway when I was done and had everything cleared
> away, but never did.
> The next morning (Fri), she got up to go to work (I was still in bed,
> as she works earlier hours than me).  It was about 6:30 am, when she
> came into the bedroom very panicked.  The truck was gone, and the door
> from our garage to the laundry room was propped open.
> We had been robbed.
> Apparently, since she meant to move the truck into the driveway, she
> didn't bother locking it up.  During the course of the evening,
> somebody (i'm assuming, for some reason, 2 I'm going to
> refer to "they/them", for no good could be a he/him) was
> having a pretty good time going up our street knocking over recycling
> bins.  When they got to our house, they saw the truck in the street,
> saw that it was open, and found the garage door opener on the
> visor.  Since the garage door is normally closed (and the truck
> locked), we don't normally lock the door from the garage to the
> laundry they had access to the house.
> They didn't grab much...seems like they just ran in and out...but they
> got enough.  My wife's purse (with house keys and truck keys, and
> wallet and credit cards, and cell phone), my wallet (with credit cards
> and about $80 cash), my iPaq (with expansion sleeve and 512MB sd
> card), and my camcorder (with a videotape still in there containing
> video of my 18 month old daughter's first steps).
> On the way out, since they had found keys in my wife's purse, they
> helped themselves to our truck as well (a 2000 Mazda B-3000).
> We've spent the last few days cancelling credit cards, closing out
> bank accounts, getting new licenses at DMV, cancelling cell phone
> accounts, having locks re-keyed, trying to find a rental car at
>'s all been very trying.
> Oh...and the thing that really concerns me...I found a hammer on the
> floor of the living room that morning.  *my* hammer that I had hung up
> on my pegboard while I was cleaning the garage.  There were people in
> my home while I more than 20 feet from where my daughter
> was sleeping...helping themselves to my belongings, and carrying MY
> fucking hammer in case any of us happened to wake up.
> Of course, I could take the view that we're lucky nobody *did* wake
> up, and that nobody was hurt.  I just can't stop feeling like I wish I
> had woken up.  Even if I got my ass kicked, at least I would have had
> an opportunity to try and do something.
> I hate not having my iPaq...I hate that somebody is looking through my
> appointments and contacts.  I hate that somebody has video of my
> daughter, given all of the Elizabeth Smart type stories out there.  I
> hate the fact that the ONE day my wife doesn't lock the truck (and it
> truly was the ONE time...she is very very anal about locking the
> cars/house/etc), some pieces of shit happen to be going down my block
> and get lucky.
> I just want these guys found (yes, we filed a police report, for
> whatever good it'll do).  Even if they're prosecuted and walk, at
> least I'll have names...I can get addresses...
> ...then I'll bring my hammer over to their place.  If, in the near
> future, you don't hear anything from me for roughly 3 -'ll
> know why.
> <sigh>
> charlie
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