Indicated?  Unpossible.

- Jim

Ben Doom wrote:

>No.  I doubt he'd be concererated if her were indicated by the
>commanderizer in chieftain.
>Jerry Johnson wrote:
>>You mean like our commander in chief?
>>Jerry Johnson
>> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/30/03 12:33PM >>>
>>Oh, yeah, like I'm REALLY going to be scared by somebody who doesn't
>>even know English...
>> > I received the following e-mail a few minutes ago (from
>> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...that's a legitimate e-mail address
>> > if ever I saw one)... I quiver in fear knowing that i'm on the verge
>> > of being INDICATED (oh yeah, there was an attachment...think I'll
>> > discard it).
>> >
>> >
>> > Ladies and Gentlemen,
>> > Downloading of Movies, MP3s and Software is illegal and punishable by
>> > law.
>> >
>> > We hereby inform you that your computer was scanned under the IP 193.
>> > 65.210.108 . The
>> > contents of your computer were confiscated as an evidence, and you
>> > will be indicated.
>> > In the next days you will receive the charge in writing.
>> > In the Reference code: #21367, are all files, that we found on your
>> > computer.
>> >
>> > The sender address of this mail was masked, to protect us against mail
>> > bombs.
>> >
>> >
>> > - You get more detailed information by the Federal Bureau of
>> > Investigation -FBI-
>> > - Department for "Illegal Internet Downloads", Room 7350
>> > - 935 Pennsylvania Avenue
>> > - Washington, DC 20535, USA
>> > - (202)
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