Try ... which actually does exist. :)

I had to get rid of my Chevy G20 just a couple months ago... though
mine was converted by ... I think the name of the after-market company
was Gladiator... or maybe that was just their name for the model.

Picked up a nice Integra for $4k... Unfortunately the door latch is
busted on the drivers side shortly after getting it, so now my door
rattles... <sigh>... I swear mechanical objects exist for the purpose
of breaking the minute I touch them.

> ok...i have no reason to think anybody on this list would
> necessarily know this...but then again...never hurts to
> ask.

> i've got a 1993 Chevy G20 Conversion van.  bought it about
> 3 months ago.  it's in relatively decent shape, but needs
> a few little tweaks.  one of them is light bulbs.

> there are two "opera lights" on the exterior of the van
> (one on the left and one on the right sides).  they are
> vertical strips that each take 2 small bulbs.  all 4 are
> dead.

> inside the van, there's a switchplate up front...this
> switchplate has 4 buttons on it (they control tv, various
> interior lights, etc).  the buttons are lit up via 4 bulbs
> that are soldered onto a circuitboard behind the
> switchplate.  3 of the 4 bulbs are out.

> radio shack couldn't help out.  they suggested i go to a
> chevy dealer.  that won't work, as these are aftermarket
> items that were added by the conversion company (Tiara,
> which is no longer in existence).

> i've got an image of the bulbs at

> if anybody has any idea where to pick up obscure light
> bulbs (oddly enough,
> doesn't exist), please throw 'em my way.

> appreciate it  : )

> Charlie
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