CFINSERT? <cf_slap>

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 1:32 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: how to output query results into cfmail
> I have a formpage that passes to an actionpage and inserts
> into the database. I then query the db to retrieve the
> memberID. Now I pass the form data into a CFMail, however I
> am unable to pass the CFQuery data into the CFMail contents.
> I have been trying CFLoop without success, how do I put the
> query information into the CFMail?
> Thanks
> Steve
> <!--- ACTIONPAGE --->
> <!--- insert data --->
> <cfinsert datasource="Mysql"
>     username="Myname"
>     password="Mypass"
>     tablename="resolve"
>     formfields=" email, date_entered, time_entered, ip">
> <!--- retreive data --->
> <cfquery  name="tkt" datasource="Mysql" username="Myname"
> password="Mypass"
> >
>  SELECT ticketid
>  FROM resolve
>  WHERE email = ''
>  AND time_entered = '#form.time_entered#'
> </cfquery>
> <!--- mail data --->
> <cfmail query="tkt"
>   from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>   subject="TICKET NUMBER #ticketID# New submission from
> website!" type="HTML">  The follow message was posted through
> the website, <br>  <br>  Ticket Number: #tkt.ticketid#<br>
> <br>  Sender email:<br>  Sender IP:
> #REMOTE_ADDR#<br>  <br>  Message Sent: #DateFormat(now(),
> 'mmmm dd, yyyy')# #TimeFormat(Now(),'hh:mm:ss tt')#<br> </cfmail>
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