Is she even registered to vote?

I seem to remember some consternation a few years back that she was
promoting Rock-the-Vote but had not voted nor even registered to do so
at the time.

> the primary season
Primary season?
What's the bag limit on candidates?
Are the limits based on office sought? (Unlimited/season Mayoral level,
2-3 Gubernatorial/State office, tag/special permit required for National
How would one mount the trophy?



Matthew Small wrote:

> I just got this a minute ago.
> - Matt Small
> Dear Matthew,
> I've never done this before.  But life is about taking risks is it not?
> I know that people seem to pay attention to everything I do.  Big or
> Small.  Ridiculous or Sublime.  So I am hoping they pay attention to this:
> I am supporting General Wesley Clark for President.
> Not only as a "celebrity," but as an American citizen and as a
> mother.  I want my children to grow up with the same opportunities
> that I had -- to know and understand what's going on in the world and
> to travel that world safely and with pride.
> I fear the future I wish for my children is at risk, so I'm taking
> action.  Please join me.
> Our greatest risk is not terrorism, and it's not Iraq or the "Axis of
> Evil."  Our greatest risk is a lack of leadership, a lack of honesty
> and a complete lack of consciousness. Unfortunately our current
> government cannot see the big picture.  They think too small. They
> suffer from the "what's in it for me?" syndrome.  The simple truth is
> that the current administration has squandered incredible
> opportunities to bring the world together, to promote peace in regions
> that have only known war, to encourage health in places that are
> ravaged with disease, to make us more secure by living up to our
> principles at home and abroad.  The simple truth is that the policies
> of our current administration do not reflect what is great about America.
> Thankfully, we have a candidate running for President who is committed
> to ensuring that our country lives up to its promise and its
> people.  Wes Clark is a decorated soldier and a respected diplomatic
> leader who has already given 34 years to his country.  He is smart and
> he is good.  He has worked hard to get where he is and he is a
> national hero.
> A perfect example of the American Dream.
> I've never aligned myself with a presidential candidate during the
> primary season.  But this time, the stakes are just too high, we have
> too much to lose and there is so much work to be done.
> I'm joining you in supporting General Wesley Clark in 2004.  I have
> committed to do all that I can to help his campaign in the coming
> months, and I'm asking you to do the same.  He needs all of us to
> reaffirm our support today, at the start of the New Year.
> I've looked at all the Democratic candidates.  I respect them all for
> their dedication and patriotism.  But I'm supporting Wes Clark because
> in him I see the qualifications, character and vision that we so
> desperately need.
> We are a country with incredible promise.  As Americans, we enjoy
> opportunities like no other.  Unfortunately we too often take these
> opportunities for granted.  You may not agree with everything I say or
> do, but whether you're rich or poor, young or old, black or white, gay
> or straight, I know you share my concern and recognize the need for
> change.
> If you can give, give generously.  If you can volunteer time, get
> involved now.  And don't be shy.share your support with everyone you meet.
> If it helps, spread this message on to everyone you know.  My opinions
> have made news before.  Let's make some news in 2004.
> Madonna
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