who gives a rats butt if they've got a databsae of URLS. The HOF
archives already track your every move if someone was that curious. ;)

The code is not hard and Mikey D gave it to us a while ago to make our
own ... it makes it easy for our lazy butt to just click on a link. :P
Not everyone we know is cut and paste savvy and I've lost track of the
amount of emails I've sent to people with links that were too long and
they reply with ...

It's broken
It doesn't work
It give me elephants in Tiawan what are those?

And some of these people are web people, fellow programmers ... LOLOLOL

So I am a huge supporter of makeashorter link. :D

and I can't find any scrapple around here. :(


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Wheatley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:57 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: This is what ediets is all about - NEW SITE

bah evil makeashorterlink :)

I just copy and paste a full url that has wrapped takes a couple seconds
longer but i don't have a 3rd party site watching where i'm going.

Reminder...erika with a K in the US of A please go get some scrapple and
then mail me some!!
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