Gay used to mean "happy and easy-going"  but I am giving up my age :-)

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  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Ben Doom
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 2:57 PM
  Subject: Re: Honest....I was young and needed the money

  Doesn't that imply you can be gay and not homosexual, and homosexual and
  not gay?  That doesn't seem quite right to me.


  Schuster, Steven wrote:

  > I'll have to agree. I think being homosexual implies the act of sex. Being
  > gay may mean you "like" the same sex but you may not ever act on it....
  > Hmmm.....
  >   _____
  > From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 2:28 PM
  > To: CF-Community
  > Subject: RE: Honest....I was young and needed the money
  > So what? If you find a man attractive you're homosexual ?
  > But if you have sex with a man you're not necessarily homosexual?
  > That doesn't make sense.
  > The act of having sex is where you totally cross the line of
  > heterosexual and enter the realm of homosexual.
  > -Gel
  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > If you are a man having sex with a man, you are a man having sex with a
  > man.  If you are gay, you are attracted to members of the same sex.
  > - Jim
  > ---
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