say the game looks hot!
It is real time combat, which I am not a fan of, and seems to be pretty
fast paced in that regard. You get to slow down the action to navigate
menu systems but it still appeared quite frenitic. THe color palette
looks great, and this Xbox game actually seems to model believable,
daylight towns with a myriad of colors from wooden browns to deep water
blues, and greens and pinks for accented paint on houses. I can't
understand why all games seem to have a set amount of colors that the
designers decide they are going to use, and they never go outside the
THey also show you the staple RPG character stats and inventory screens
which seem to imply there is a lot of depth there in terms of items to
be collected and character stats to grow as the game progresses.
Sadly, it seems to be single player only. *sigh* No Co-Op Multiplay. But
oh well :)
Something to look forward to in the Fall again!
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