
I need to output a picture of Janet flashing her girls.
yes the picture doesnt show up

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 1:46 PM
  To: CF-Community
  Subject: Re: Calling images from Access Database

  ----- Original Message -----
  To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:30 AM
  Subject: Calling images from Access Database

  > I need to call images from an Access database.
  > What am I doing wrong?
  > =============================================================
  > <!---create datasource in access called "frameless"--->
  > <!---create a table called "frames"--->
  > <!---browse to file(image
  > document)C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\images\picture23.gif--->
  > id (numeric)
  > title (text)
  > picture (ole object)
  > <!---query the db--->
  > <cfquery name="getresults" datasource="frameless">
  >     select *
  >     from frames
  > </cfquery>
  > <!---output results--->
  > <cfoutput query="getresults">
  > #title#
  > <br><br>
  > #picture#
  > </cfoutput>

  It really does help if you give an indication as to what problem(s) you're
  experiencing.  Error?  No pictures being output?  Wrong pictures being
  output?  Janet Jackson's boob being output?
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