Unfortunately FileZilla, etc, also comes with spyware - a no no for anyone who
cares about security or privacy.

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  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Kevin Graeme
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 9:46 AM
  Subject: Re: The best FREE Software

  The problem with suggestions is that instead of generally reflecting the
  best, they generally reflect 1) what that person uses and it's good enough
  so they haven't tried other tools; and, 2) personal mental paradigms of how
  a tool should work.

  > FTP:

    Traditional side-by-side view: FileZilla (waaaaaay better than WS-FTP
    Windows Explorer style: AbsoluteFTP
    My personal favorite (but not free): FlashFXP

    Fetch. (Is this still fee? Also note that on the Mac the interface
  paradigm is completely different.)

  > HTML Editors (CF,ASP, PERL, PHP and HTML):

    I don't know a lot of the market for free ones, so:  jEdit

  > Email POP3:

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