Um Ben, there actually is a way to do such. Jeff Hauser and Charlie Arehart
wrote an intereting article from last September's ColdFusion Developer's
Journal on how to run CF5, CFMX, and BlueDragon on IIS. You just have to run
a couple of tweaks.

I tried it out myself on my machine at home that runs WinXP, and BlueDragon,
CF5 and CFMX.


From the article:

Setting Up Your Development Server with ColdFusion 5, MX, and BlueDragon
September 11, 2003

The world of ColdFusion application servers is quite interesting at the
moment. Macromedia's recent update to CFMX 6.1 promises to add a lot of
stability and speed to the product. BlueDragon, New Atlanta's alternate CFML
runtime engine continues to gain momentum. Yet despite these two great
products, much of the development out there is still based on ColdFusion 5
(or earlier).
By Jeffry Houser & Charlie Arehart  

The world of ColdFusion application servers is quite interesting at the
moment. Macromedia's recent update to CFMX 6.1 promises to add a lot of
stability and speed to the product. BlueDragon, New Atlanta's alternate CFML
runtime engine continues to gain momentum. Yet despite these two great
products, much of the development out there is still based on ColdFusion 5
(or earlier).

What if you're interested in running one or more of these at once? Perhaps
you're going to upgrade an app from one server to another? How do you test
your current applications for compatibility among the other servers without
reconfiguring your development machine? If you're a consultant, or work for
a consulting firm, there's a good chance you'll have multiple clients, each
with different server requirements. How do you handle the changing
requirements without reconfiguring your server every time?

The good news is that you can install all three products at once to test
them, but they each support slightly different versions of CFML. How do you
set things up so that you can test a set of CFML templates against each
server, while keeping the CFML code in one place?

This article answers those questions by showing you how to run all the
application servers off of a single instance of Microsoft IIS 5 on Windows
2000, and will make it easy to test for cross-compatibility in your code.
Normally, if you set up a ColdFusion (or BlueDragon) server to use IIS, it
will replace any prior IIS settings for running CFML templates. We'll show
you how to resolve that.

Even if you use Apache, iPlanet, IIS on a Windows Server edition, or some
other external Web server, the concepts here will generally apply (though
they may be even more flexible). If you already have CF5, CFMX, or
BlueDragon installed, just follow along to learn a couple of interesting
points to enable setup of IIS to run all three servers at once, pointing to
the same directory of CFML code. It's a great way to do testing against all
three servers.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 1:28 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Macromedia is HORRIBLE
> I believe that if you tell the installer to run both MX and CF5, you
> can't install both on IIS.  This, BTW, is an IIS limitation.  But the
> point is that if you want to run CF5 on IIS, you can't also
> run MX on IIS.
> If you are running both CF5 and MX on a dev box, but not on your
> production box, we're back to the argument that if you really
> want your
> test box to mimic the production box, you really need to set
> them up as
> similarly as possible.
> --benD
> Chunshen (Don) Li wrote:
> > IIS is installed in my box.  Proof, my CF5.0 uses IIS.
> >
> >  >> From: Chunshen (Don) Li
> >  >>
> >  >> a) during CF installation or upgrade, the process NEED
> to let  >>
> > the installer know, better, select what web server to use  >> (IIS,
> > internal MM web server, Apache ...).  >
> >  >It will only let you select a server if you have it
> installed on that
> >  >machine
> >  >
> >  >If you didn't have IIS installed first, then it can't use
> IIS - it won't
> >  >install it for you!
> >  >
> >  >So, if the only choice was the internal MM web server,
> then it's your
> >  >fault for not installing IIS first
> >
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