LOLOL, and don't pity me either :-)

Possible TMI warning:
re: spam topic, don't need that, need hip working properly!!

Am tired of only a few possible positions...
(May be old fart, but am sexy old fart!!)


>I wouldn't pitty him. He followed up the pen1s enlargement spam email....and
>now look what he's doing :P
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Harkins, Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: 04 March 2004 14:09
>  To: CF-Community
>  Subject: Surgery (Was RE: Macromedia is HORRIBLE)
>  Our prayers are with you, when is the day?
>  -Patrick
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Ben Braver
>  "Who do I want to ignore today?"
>  The other voice in my head,
>  the one which keeps making negative, fearful comments
>  about my impending surgery <sigh>.
>  -Ben
>  Outbound email scanned for viruses. (e232)
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