How can there be debates about sex? <grin> /Benny

>If you like HEATED debates about politics, religion, sex, greyhounds,
>other pets, animal welfare, you name it ... Where you don't have to
>worry about being political correct or proper...
>There's a place called Roo and Rant ( just waiting
>for you.
>There is little to no moderation (yes you can swear!) the only caveat
>they have is to refrain from personal attacks as much as possible. You
>can talk about WHATEVER you want though.
>Because of the lax moderation style it is NOT FOR CHILDREN and it is
>But if you have the idle time, check it out. Phil and I are there :D
>It is not a mailing list, has no mailing list, will never have a mailing
>list that I know of, so if you don't like forums, it's not for you. :D
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