> I don't care for Giuliani because from what I've seen of him he feels,
> Bush, that the ends justify the means. He's got the bully attitude of the
> right combined with the take-away-your-rights attitude of the left.
He's softened some from the facist he was and while he does have the ends
justify the means, he also has a strong idea of what is right. His idea of
what was right did a lot of good for NY. As for the 'take away your rights',
I don't really see it that way. He enforced laws that led to a higher
quality of life for the city. He put the best people into jobs and let them
basically do them with minimal interference. Maybe I'm misremembering, but
NY before him was a really scary place. NY after him was a place I was happy

> And the rest of the country is very much not like NYC, and I don't want
> someone with an attitude of what worked there should be done everywhere.
True, but he's not President (yet) and he's got time to learn. He does know
how to be diplomatic and has grown from who he was in the beginning. Growth
is always a positive thing, especially in a politition.

Bottom line is that I think he does care about America and advancing the
country. But the mention of him as a running mate was not a solid one so we
may never know.

> -Kevin
> > Well, I don't necessarily think Bush is evil, just a moron. Chaney is
> > and should be replaced. I like Giuliani and trust him to work to turn
> things
> > around. Unless Kerry gets someone good for VP, he's in a tough fight for
> the
> > job. A Bush/Giuliani ticket is one that would make me really think about
> > voting for them.
> > Kerry just doesn't seem to feel right to me, especially with him saying
> one
> > thing to one group and another to a different one.
> >
> > So the real fight'll be Bush/Giuliani vs. Kerry/Clinton. Now that'll be
> > election to remember!
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