
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday former U.S.
anti-terrorism czar Richard Clarke had "no idea" what he was talking
about when he accused the Bush administration of focusing on Iraq (news
- web sites) after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Clarke said the president told him on Sept. 12, in a "very intimidating
way," to look at Iraq's involvement.

"He wanted us to come back with the word that there was an Iraqi hand
behind 9/11 because they had been planning to do something about Iraq
from before the time they came into office," Clarke told ABC.

Clarke's bombshell accusations were first aired in a CBS "60 Minutes"
interview on Sunday and outlined in his book, "Against All Enemies,"
which is being released this week. He is the second former top
administration official, after Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill's recent
book, to assert that Iraq was an overriding priority for the Bush White
House from the time it took office."

More in the article itself. Doesn't say anything that intelligent
Americans haven't already figured out though.

Let's hope that the democrats are competent enough to put an end to the
imperial reign of Bush,and that we're not actually rooting for a 'Lesser
of two evils'.


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