I think I've found a way to get my code to work. Curretly I'm reading in a file and then splitting up the results based on a wordspace.
<cffile action=""> file="#Directory#\#LCase(ListGetAt(FileName,1,'.'))#.xxx"
<cfset var1= #ListGetAt(var,2,' ')#>
<cfset file = #ListGetAt(var1,1,'.')#>
<cfset SESSION.file = "#file#">
My problem would be solved I think if I could also check if var is equal to a tab.
<cfset var1= #ListGetAt(var,2,' '<TAB SPACE HERE>)#>
How could I do this?
On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 11:18:05 -0500, Bushy wrote:
>I'm reading in a file and shoving the results into a varable.
><cffile action=""> > file="#Directory#\#LCase(ListGetAt(FileName,1,'.'))#.xxx"
> variable="var">
>In the above example the file would be file="C:\temp\dump.xxx"
>When I dump the "var" variable I get something like:
>var = "tmp dump.xxx windows c:\windows\temp.log temp.log"
>I need to extract "dump.xxx" from the above variable. What the best way to do this?
>Note: The first wordspace after the word "tmp" could also be a tab.
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