I've got a couple of simple questions, and am curious to hear the answers.
Some may feel like questions from Goldilocks, but I am amazed at the wide swing of answers I have been getting from users this week.

How many documents would you consider "a lot"?

How many database records would you consider "a lot"?

How many lines of code in a document is "a lot"?

What file size for a web graphic would you consider small?

What file size for a web graphic would you consider large?

How many htm validation errors would you consider too many?

What htm page size in KB would you consider too large?

What htm page size in KB would you consider just right?

What is the "right" screen resolution?

What makes an html page "too long"?

How many items in a list are too many?

How many items in a list are too few?

How many iteams in a list are just right?

Any thoughts?
Jerry Johnson
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