I always use the "Based on the requirements so far it should take x long and cost y dollars (of course this could change if new requirements are added).  If you want a fixed price then a technical design document can be created for z dollars and that will be a complete blueprint of the application down to what is on every screen etc."

Then again...if I'm hungry and need the work I'll be more flexible.

I look at it this way....I'm a professional...I charge the rates I charge for quality work....if a client is going to nickel and dime me...they can talk a long walk off a short pier.  Would you haggle with your doctor?? ;-)


Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

Macromedia Associate Partner
Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
Founder & Director
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jeffry Houser
  To: CF-Jobs-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 3:36 AM
  Subject: Verbal or Written Estimates

  A client was pushing me into a ballpark time-frame and estimate using a
  half-written spec (they provided, not myself).  They made the request via

    Is it better to respond via email or verbally over the phone?

    Discuss amongst yourselves.

    I understand the written word can be powerful; but I'm sure it will be
  used against me 3 months down the line when they try to scope creep a cure
  for cancer into their project.

    They sent the request around 8 o'clock last night.  Knowing I would be
  off site today, I'm not sure if they were using sly negotiating tactics to
  try to push me in a corner or if they are just busy and disorganized.  ( At
  this point, I could go either way )

  Jeffry Houser, Web Developer, Writer, Songwriter, Recording Engineer
  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  AIM: Reboog711  | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
  My Books: <http://www.instantcoldfusion.com>
  Recording Music: <http://www.fcfstudios.com>
  Original Energetic Acoustic Rock: <http://www.farcryfly.com>
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