Sheesh, leave it alone already.  I could care less whether someone badmouthed Louis or his company.  The internet is a big space and we actually all have pretty decent free speech rights.  Louis, you have a right to counter your critics by defending yourself on your site, etc.  Yes, it's always possible that a potential customer will see something they don't like when researching our name on the net.  But there's nothing you can do.  Either hope that the customer has enough intelligence to take everything with a grain of salt and base his/her decisions not solely on some random person on the net, or simply don't get into long heated discussions which will make enemies who will then have a REASON to cause you trouble.  In any case, this back and forth with vague answers and then questions that ignore previous explanations, this is all getting ridiculous.  Slander about a business maybe a legitimate subject in this list, but it seems people can't get to the point of even discussing this issue.  Instead it's this petty crap going back and forth and just wasting everyone's time.  Nuff said...

From: Bryan Stevenson
Sent: Thu 9/9/04 11:55 AM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: Google your business name lately?

Still pretty vague there Louis...*yawn*

post the link(s) to the big conspiracy or fade into the ether

Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
phone: 250.480.0642
fax: 250.480.1264
cell: 250.920.8830
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