Actually, it was the recruiters language, not mine. On the other hand, I am
writing an article to distinguish between programmers and software
The difference can be summarized as an engineer has the time and ability to
plan out a whole application from 0 to finish. They use UML, OO, and full
documentation before beginning. A programmer usually does not have the time
or ability to do all that. They write code for an app that may be
standalone, may be an extension of something already in existence or a patch
for a bug. There's little planning vs. implementing and usually little
For example, I'm mainly a programmer. I don't have the luxury of doing full
scale planning for my own stuff or at my job. I can do the full engineer
thing with pages of docs, designs, etc. but it falls down to time. I need to
implement something now, not 3-6 months down the road. An engineer is
looking at that time frame or more.
This is not to say an engineer is not a programmer or a programmer is not an
engineer. It's saying that the approach, mindset and focus is different. 

> Michael Dinowitz just posted a message on the CF-Jobs forum looking for
> two Cold Fusion MX Developers.  At the end of the message, he made the
> distinction that 'Our client is looking for software developers not "web-
> site developers".'
> What exactly is the difference between sofware developers and web site
> developers?  We are talking about ColdFusion here.  ColdFusion is strictly
> web-based.  Aren't all ColdFusion applications web sites?  Aren't all
> ColdFusion software developers "web-site developers"?  What are the
> requirements you should have in order to call yourself a software
> developer?
> Johnny

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