Very interesting points Jeff. Now I have no hard facts here...just anecdotal
observations and theorizing.... But, I know what you're talking about when
you say:

> IT no longer seems to be a field where people are ecstatic about it...

I think there are a couple things going on contributing to this. One is that
there was a huge influx of human resources into web/application developing
starting in 94/95 and going until 200/2001 (followed by a serious
blood-letting, eh?). So a big chunk of web developers are probably getting
older and a bit jaded with IT. At a certain point in life, many folks just
get more interested in other things than their career/profession.

Also, more and more, web development has moved off the bleeding edge into
deeper into the corporate environment. There are simply more traditional IT
people doing this work then there was 5 or 10 years ago.

--Leon Chalnick

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:00 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: 2006 Turn Around?

  I've found that a lot of people get "deep" into one area of CF without 
getting a lot of "Breadth" of the language.
  I doubt think that is unique to CF, though.  It doesn't surprise me that 
a developer doesn't know cfqueryparam.

  IT no longer seems to be a field where people are ecstatic about it and 
want to live and breath IT 24/7.  Some people just want to do there job and 
go home.  There are always exceptions, of course, but they seem to be 
exceptions rather than the norm.

  I bet the number of people using frameworks in CF is very low (compared 
to the number of CF Developers).  The number of people using an OO 
framework like Model-Glue or Mach-II is even smaller.

  I would expect an intermediate programmer to understand basic OO 
concepts, even if they are not framework aware.

  You're more than welcome to say "but a developer should take it upon 
himself to go out and learn".  I agree (probably most people will) but not 
everyone does it.

At 08:11 PM 1/11/2006, you wrote:
>CF jobs have increased in Ohio. I think if I would have held out at my old
>position for another year I could have had my choice of about 4 different
>companies. That being said I am pretty happy with my choice to go where I
>am. However we too need a developer and can't find crap. THe most
>experienced person we had apply didn't even know what cfqueryparam did. A
>developer that knows OOP yeah right. Model-Glue, Mach-II? Those are simply
>products we sell.
>On 1/5/06, Robert Reno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > It seems like I have been getting double the usual calls for CF openings
> > in Florida.  Has anyone else noticed more calls where you are?  I even
> > two direct calls from companies hiring in addition to the recruiters
> > calling.
> >
> > Rob in Tampa
> >

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