Slightly OT...

This talk about degree-holders and non-degree holders makes me think 
of a person I worked with at a university resently.

I was in a small, tight group in the administrative arm of the 
university system. We were responsible for any system-wide sites and 
for any campus-based sites that couldn't be hosted by the individual 
campus (or didn't want to).

We had just made the decision to go to CF from Perl (back in 2001) 
and after a very brief training started coding new pages at a furious pace.

One of the trainees had dropped out of the training because she 
couldn't keep up. It turns out that she had several degrees in 
programming theory and other mathematical and theoretical studies. 
Had even written a book. Very impressive on paper, but she couldn't 
program her way out of a paper bag.

A few days after we had finished the core of our first CF site she 
stepped into the fracas and suggested that we should be learning java instead.

I stopped and looked at her and came very close to asking her if 
she'd fair any better at learing that language. I mean, if she 
couldn't hack CF... Java?!?  I passed on the barb, and we continued 
working with CF.

Advance the film a couple of years and now we've advanced beyond the 
basics and are now building a single, server-based, 
multi-site-hosting CMS to end all CMSes. But one day we're stuck on a 
particular problem. We three programmers are sitting around in our 
swivel chairs tossing paper balls at each other trying to figure it out.

In walks the PhD non-programmer and makes a suggestion. We all put 
our hands up and skoff. She walks up to the wipe board and explains 
the situation and we argue for 20 minutes. When it's all over the 
three of us are staring at each other at how well the suggestion will 
solve the problem, and probably a few others as well.

She wipes her hands and walks out of the room, smiling.

I have to say, up until that point I was wondering (a) how she had 
ever gotten any degrees and (b) what the hell she was doing in our 
group. She couldn't program her way out of a paper bag, but she did 
that theoretical trick on us two more times before I left the university.

Experience is everything, but it gets stale without an occasional theory.

Funny thing, too. She was the "Accessability Specialist" in our 
group. A real stickler for fine detail.


Michael Muller
Admin, Website
Montague, MA 01351
work (413) 863-0030
cell (413) 320-5336
fax (518) 713-1569
skype: michaelBmuller

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