Beats me.

I prefer offsite myself too. I try to limit my on-site-ness as much as
possible. I'm much more productive when I work from home, and can put in
more time.


On 3/29/06, Christian N. Abad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All:
> I'm curious as to why so many companies demand (note the use of the word
> demand versus require) that CF developers work onsite.  I consulted for
> several years and only accepted opportunities that allowed me to work
> remotely.  I now run my entire company from the comfort of my home office.
> (Yes, all of my resources work remotely - an arrangement we all find
> beneficial and extremely rewarding.)
> So why, then, do many companies demand (there's that word again) that CF
> resources work onsite for project work?  I mean let's get real; do you
> really expect a resource to relocate to some undesirable location to work
> onsite for a company that views them as an expendable resource on a
> project
> that lasts only a few months?  It seems you could attract higher caliber
> developers if you weren't so rigid in the work arrangement.  After all,
> telecommuting is not new by any stroke of the imagination...
> Disclaimer:  I understand there are exceptions for work arrangements that
> require security clearance, like DOD and Government opportunities, that's
> now what I'm talking about here...
> Thoughts?
> ~Christian N. Abad
> President, Accessible Computing
> Accessible Computing, Inc.
> 1210 McLaughlin Drive
> Charlotte, NC 28212
> 704.248.8855 (office)
> 704.248.6682 (fax)

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