to all:

yes, i can see where the "take the next step" wasn't meant to imply that .NET 
was the "next step *up*" over ColdFusion.  But... that's (obviously) how i 
originally read it.

for the record, i would never in a million years tell somebody -not- to learn 
something new.  it's all about being marketable and having more tools in your 

with that being said... if i was the original poster, i might have phrased the 
post a bit differently just to err on the side of caution.  i took it one way 
(i won't say the "wrong" way because i still see how it can be taken either 
way), as did others (apparently).  

c'mon... would it have been so hard to have just said, "Add a new tool to your 
tool belt"?  :)

>Charlie Griefer wrote:
>> moving this where it belongs.
>> Jesse - with all due respect, the original poster posted an ad to a
>> COLDFUSION list, which clearly insinuated that .NET is the better
>> technology.  What sort of response did you expect he'd get?
>  I'd expect he'd get no responses.
>  But on the other hand, it's not out of the realm of thought to think 
>that there may be a few interested parties who work with both .NET and 
>CF.  Or a few who perceive that learning .NET is a good long term career 
>> If that particular company is looking to move to .NET, that's 100%
>> their perogative.  I understand that they are currently on CF, so they
>> want a CF developer who will ultimately make the transition with them.
>>  That's fair.  But to promote it as "taking the next step
>> professionally".... 
>  Learning a new technology often is a "next step" or a professional 
>programmer.  Right?
>Jeffry Houser, Technical Entrepreneur, Software Developer, Author, 
>Recording Engineer
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