Sheesh, I can imagine that was a blow to you.

Maybe she will get the type of person she is looking for next, dishonest
'yes' person....  

I guess we just keep 'shopping' until we find where we belong....


William E. Seiter
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-----Original Message-----
From: RobG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 5:19 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: WOW, what a plight!!

Wow man, what a story!!

I've actually been in a couple of similar situations myself.  You had 
amazing patience sticking it out for as long as you did.  I would have 
bailed probably after the first week, if not sooner.

Heck, just recently I got fired for being honest.  Yep.  Got a call from 
the woman who hired me, asking how things were going.  I told her.  I 
said it's been a week and I haven't been able to accomplish much because 
of server problems, poor response time, and generally not a whole lot of 
help from her team members.  I said hey, maybe they just aren't that 
good at mentoring new people... though I doubted any of it was intentional.

That was it.  It was as if I had used a racial slur to describe her 
mother.  In short, she said I had just "trashed" her team, and that she 
didn't think it was going to work out.  Didn't matter that I apologized 
and said hey, I'm frustrated because it's been hard to get stuff done. 
Nope, that was all it took.

So... all the trouble of interviewing, hiring, reading a bunch of 
manuals to get up to speed on stuff, four days busting my butt to 
produce, and I get axed for honesty... to the one person you should 
always be able to be honest with -- YOUR BOSS.

Wow.  Talk about a touchy-feely, wear-your-heart-on-your-sleeve type. 
I'm glad it happened now, before I got anymore invested into it.


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