This site sounds like it will take all of your time doing moderation.
One of my friends started a similar site but with mechanics.

Also you might run into problems with profitableness, because the best  
advertising/sponsoring could come from someone who might have people  
on your site who hate them.

On Jan 31, 2008, at 3:05 PM, Joseph Smuzynski wrote:

> After dealing with a few too many disreputable companies, I'm just  
> about
> ready to build a new site that is sort of a cross between
> f*ckedcompany.comand ChexSystems.
> The idea is to have a site where consultants of all types can come and
> anonymously post their negative experiences with various companies,  
> large or
> small.  The hope is that with proper marketing, it will become the  
> first
> place a consultant comes to check out a company before doing work  
> for them.
> If a company ends up with a negative listing, the way they get the  
> listing
> removed is to make good with the consultant, then the consultant can  
> mark
> the case closed.  Naturally, if they have multiple bad entries, they  
> would
> have to make good with everybody.
> The site would not allow inflammatory types of comments about a  
> company;
> only facts.  Each entry would be reviewed and approved before being  
> posted.
> There would have to be supporting data too... for example, let's say a
> company refused to pay your last invoice.  You would need to provide  
> a copy
> of your last invoice and a work log to document it.
> All listings would have to include proof that you actually worked  
> for the
> company... e.g. copies of pay stubs, a copy of the contract, etc.   
> Otherwise
> the site could be used for extortion and would lose it's advantage  
> because
> it wouldn't be taken seriously.
> So, the point is to help show companies that they have to treat  
> consultants
> well... pay their people what they're owed, treat them kindly, etc.
> Otherwise these companies may find themselves unable to get people  
> to work
> for them anymore.
> I don't see this being a lawsuit magnet either.  Each posting would  
> have to
> be factual, not emotional.  No slanderous or libelous remarks.  Just  
> facts.
> It would boil down to "the consultant's word against the company."   
> No names
> of people would be mentioned, so you couldn't call people out by  
> name.  You
> could go as far as to say your "supervisor was a micro-manager" but  
> you
> couldn't say, "my supervisor, Bill Smith, was a micro-manager and  
> was always
> giving me a hard time."
> Sure, the easier way is to just post about 'em here on cf-jobs-talk,  
> but
> then you're likely to end up with a bad rap since a lot of job  
> posters read
> this list too, no doubt looking for anybody who might be willing to  
> speak
> out.
> I haven't really decided what to call the site either.  I'm not even  
> sure
> yet if I'll do it; I'm curious to hear what others think of the idea.
> Joe

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