I'm running an offshore ColdFusion developer from Jakarta, that is 
south east Asia.
My company's rate is US$40/man/hour, i think it's not that cheap :)

Currently we have 0 customers that won't pay us.
Infact, we never ask for down payment cause we're 100% sure that our 
client will benefit from our work, thus pay the bill.

To prevent this situation, for new client we usually break down large 
project into smaller pieces.
And do the small piece first, see whether they satisfy with our work 
- and pay before we continue with the rest.


At 09:30 PM 2/2/2008, you wrote:
>Here is the problem I face most of the clients I have had recently 
>have not paid me as you may recall the nasty spat online for $150. 
>Well the guy he says I billed 165 hours never paid me for ONE hour 
>of work, the next client I get then promptly pays me for one week 
>but take 20 hours off the next two checks, I quit that one and the 
>last Client I had was the worst because his "end client" has 13 
>Billion dollars and wanted to pay him but he would not send in an 
>Invoice. The end client liked my work so much that they kept the 
>contract with him as long as he kept me. This guy who claims to have 
>been in business for 13 years or more and has $70,000 in his company 
>bank account(I know people who work at Wachovia)and he still refuses to pay me.
>So Jefferey you are right usually a letter from your attorney 
>requesting payment or file Lawsuit in Federal DISTRICT Court (yes 
>Federal Court is the way to go for anything over $500, because of a 
>little thing called Diversity of Citizenship(you live in a different 
>state than the weasel who does not pay) will get you money.
>The problem is to retain an attorney usually costs you $2000 or more 
>so that is how the weasel's get you. So in order to beat that you 
>make sure they have (weasel) has Liability Insurance for $1,000,000 
>so you sue their Insurance company who promptly pays and dumps his 
>cheap skate client.
>At this moment I am owed over $10,000 and my children did not have 
>as nice as Xmas as they should for exactly that reason. The ones 
>that I hate are the Big Companies that require you to go with a IT 
>Consulting firm(they have contract with) in order to work for them 
>then the Firm makes all sort of demands on you so that you quit and 
>they can find some CHEAP south east Asian to take your place if the 
>"estupido" company lets them!

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