The point of the CF-Jobs-Talk list is not to negatively comment on any
one individual or company who posts to the CF-Jobs list (or to this
list, for that matter.) The point of CF-Jobs-Talk is to have a
discussion of issues that come up when one is looking for a job or
trying to find an employee. The discussion should never get personal.

If you wish to comment on any particular person or company who posts,
simply say, "If you want to know more about this company, please
contact me offlist." That is all that need be said. Keep in mind,
however, that every story has two sides, and when you hear negative
feedback, you are only hearing one side of the story.

I will talk to Michael later on tonight (he happens to be on a tight
deadline, folks, and can't deal with this at the moment) about what he
wants to do about this thread. Meanwhile, please consider this thread
closed and let's let the subject die.

Judith Dinowitz
Vice President
House of Fusion

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