Or better still learn Flex/Air. Look at upcoming technologies where the 
number of skilled individuals is low.

Don't go down the "I'll learn Java route" because honestly you need 3+ 
years commercial experience.

Ravi Gehlot wrote:
> Dave,
>     As we all know the economy is not doing so well. It does not matter 
> how much one can say that it is unfair to blame the economy (as I have 
> heard) but there have been many job cuts. Many programmers are out of 
> their jobs because either companies are afraid to expand or just don't 
> have the money to hire more work force. So there are fewer jobs and 
> there will be even more cuts as the next president tries to fix this 
> mess that the current president left (lets not get into politics here). 
> I will give you an example, about 2 to 3 years ago, I used to search for 
> CF jobs on monster.com and I would often get impressed with the amount 
> of available positions that that search used to return. It felt like 
> employers were seeking candidates at all times and everywhere. If you 
> try to do a search now, you will not get many jobs. You try to contact 
> the fewer ones left and they are already interviewing 3 to 5 other 
> candidates for that spot.
>     Here is what I recommend you. Do not get stuck with just one 
> language. Regardless of its popularity, try to learn another skill. For 
> instance, for as much as people complain that PHP is nothing but a mess, 
> it is the one that offers the most jobs. If you know PHP really well 
> chances are that you will find a job somewhere or even an outsourced 
> position (Yes, people also outsource jobs to the U.S.).
>     I am have been trying to learn Ruby and PHP. Why not?
> Always remember: "Don't let others say you can't do just because they 
> can't do it"
> Good Luck,
> Ravi Gehlot.
>>> Hi all,
>>> My job will be ending sometime next year due to a merger.  I'm a Senior
>>> level CF Developer with 10+ years experience.  I am wondering what the job
>>> market is looking like out there for us senior type CF developers with the
>>> economy the way it is here in the US.
>>> What I'm concerned about most that I see is more job descriptions asking for
>>> mid-level and junior developers, and lower salaries for those as well.  I'm
>>> wondering if I might have trouble finding a job when the time comes because
>>> my salary demands would be too high and/or the employer would rather pay
>>> someone a lower salary for less experience, thinking they are getting the
>>> same efficiency.
>>> Please share whatever your thoughts are on this topic.  I think this thread
>>> will be useful for anyone visiting it in the next 12-18 months, so let's
>>> really try to provide some good 'intel', if you will on the 'near future' CF
>>> market.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Dave Phillips 

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