Ok folks,
        I need help with CFOBJECT. I am running CF451SP2 on Win2k. Have a COM
object registered and the code works in ASP.

 Set HKSI = Server.CreateObject("hksiCOMObject.Test")
 HKSI.Project = "Test Input"
 HKSI.Input = "Jeff Young"
 tmpStr = HKSI.Output
 Response.Write tmpStr
 Set myObj = Nothing

This works fine... But when I convert it to CF code....

 <cfobject type="COM" name="HKSI" class="hksiCOMObject.Test"
 <cfset HKSI.Project = "Test Input">
 <cfset HKSI.Input = "Jeff Young">
 <cfset HKSI.Process()>
 <cfset OutPut = HKSI.Output>

This happens....

 The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFSET), occupying document position (34:2) to
 (34:23) in the template file c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Default.cfm.

Line 34 is this...

<cfset HKSI.Process()>

I have another COM object I wrote which uses a similar functionality that I
wrote that works...

 <cfobject type="COM" name="HKSI" class="hksiCOMObject2.Test"
 <cfset HKSI.Input1=4>
 <cfset HKSI.Input2=1>
 <cfset HKSI.AddEm()>
 <cfset tmpStr1 = HKSI.Output1>
 #tmpStr1# <br>

This works! What am I doing wrong???

Any help would be greatly appriciated.

Jeff Young
Humankind Systems, Inc.

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