There are plenty of ways to do this but this is the first one that came to mind.  

You could assign your output values to a structure and then use the function 
structkeylist to traverse the items in the structure.  So your procparam tag would 
look like:
    VARIABLE=mystruct.FOO DBVARNAME=@param2>

In the example below, I create a structure with just two keys.  Then, without knowing 
what those keys are, I use structkeylist to find them, build the variable names and 
evalueate them.  The output will be "fred,n/a".

Hope this helps,

<CFSET mystruct=StructNew()>  

        <CFSET mystruct.firstname = "fred">
        <CFSET mystruct.lastname = "">

  <cfset keylist = #StructKeyList(mystruct)#>
<cfloop index = "bKey" list = "#keylist#">  
    <cfset shortfldname = "mystruct." & #bKey#>  
    <cfset fldname = "##" & #shortfldname# & "##">
    <cfif #trim(evaluate(fldname))# is ""> 
      <cfset result = #SetVariable(shortfldname, "n/a")#>
    <cfset fldval = #evaluate(fldname)#>

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Nathan T Haley [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent:   Thursday, December 14, 2000 10:22 AM
        To:     '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
        Subject:        [KCFusion] output

        Can anyone give a hint where to look about checking output values(many) from
        procs for empty and assigning a value like 'n/a'?
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