
Try the following.



In your login page:

<!--- Checks to see if an error code was passed back from the action
page --->
<cfif IsDefined("URL.ecode")>
        <cfoutput><font color="#Session.Errorcolor#">
        <cfif Url.ecode EQ 1>
        An error has occured due to insufficient or invalid data.  Please re-enter
your data in the form below and submit.
        <cfelseif Url.ecode EQ 2>
        This Member login is not valid for this application.  Please enter the
correct Member Name and Password that is linked to this application.  If you
continue to experience trouble please contact DiscoverME.
        <cfelseif Url.ecode EQ 3>
        The Member Name and Password combination you have entered is invalid.
Please re-enter your Member Name and Password.

In your action page:

<cfif Not IsDefined("Form.UserName") and Not IsDefined("Form.Password")>
                <cfif IsDefined("Form.UserName")>
                    <cfset Username=Form.Username>
            <cflocation url="Login.cfm?MN=#UserName#&ErrorCcode=1&type=1">

query to check username/password

<cfif CheckMember.RecordCount NEQ 1>
            <cflocation url="Login.cfm?MN=#Form.UserName#&ecode=3">

        <!--- one record exists so set the userid and other flags --->
        <cfoutput query="CheckMember">
                    <cfset TempUserId = UserId>

        <cfif IsDefined("Session.UserId")>
                <cfif  TempUserId NEQ Session.UserId>
                    <cflocation url="Login.cfm?MN=#Form.UserName#&ecode=2">

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 12:41 PM
Subject: [KCFusion] displaying a message to the user

Hi all.  Here's my latest trial.  I feel like I am so close, but I just
can't quite figure it out.  I have a login prompt.  When the use does not
log in properly, the action page directs the browser back to the login
prompt.  I want to display a message to the user based on what they did
wrong.  For example, if the user left the password field blank, I want the
message to say, "No password supplied".  I expect that I would want to
populate a variable within CFIF statement that evaluates what the user did
incorrect and reference that value on the calling page so that when it is
reloaded, if it is defined, the message is displayed.  I just can't seem to
figure out what type of variable can be populated by an action page and
returned to a calling page.  Do I have to use session variables?  Thank you
so much.

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