Check out, it has a bunch of CF/COM related
information on it. Of course though, it didn't solve the problem I had!

Jason Nokes, Director of Web Development
888-516-7401 phone/fax 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Hartwich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 5:19 PM
Subject: [KCFusion] CFObject problems

We are trying to implement a set of objects created by one of our
partners for exchanging data and are encountering intermittent and
inconsistent errors. An example of the test code we are running is
below. We know that the code and objects work for the most part because
we are able to exchange data. To this point we have been unable to
identify whether this is an issue with CF, the COM objects or both. The
COM objects are written in C++ and are thread-safe.

The first error we receive is the following from the server.log file:

* "Error","TID=195","09/19/01","15:57:47","Unexpected exception while
processing a tag with a general identifier of (CFSET), occupying
document position (25:2) to (25:44)

This is one of the cfset ResultsTemp.Add statements. Unfortunately, it
does not always error and not always on the same CFSET statement.

Occasionally, we also encounter the following two errors.

* unknown execption condition PCodeRuntimeContextImp::setComponentObj

* Request canceled or ignored by server. Server busy or unable to
fulfill request. ... (Location Code: 26)

We have tried several things but to no avail. We created an ASP page
with the equivalent code and have not encountered any errors on it. This
may point to an issue with CF.

We are running CF 4.5.1 SP2,NT 4.0 SP6a, SQL Server 7.0, and MDAC 2.6
SP1. The test pages we are running do not have any session, server, or
application variables on them.

If any one has any ideas on what to try or to look for, it would be much

     <!--- Creates instance of CandidateTestResult---->
     <cfobject type="COM" name="Results" class="PCDMMessages.TestResult"

     <!--- Create instance of proxy object ---->
     <cfobject type="COM" name="proxy" class="PCDMWSProxy.Exchange"

     <!--- Initialize proxy object --->

     <cfset ResultsTemp=Results.TestResults>
      <cfset ResultsTemp.Add("1234","5678",85.2)>
     <cfset ResultsTemp.Add("5678","9123",23.9)>
     <cfset ResultsTemp.Add("9123","4567",56.8)>
     <cfset ResultsTemp.Add("1234","5678",85.2)>
     <cfset ResultsTemp.Add("9123","4567",56.8)>

        <cfset receiptId=proxy.SubmitCandidateTestResult(Results)>

     <cfset ResultsTemp="">
     <cfset Results="">
     <cfset proxy="">

     <cfif receiptId EQ "FAILED">
         Test Not Successful
             Test Successful<br>
         <cfoutput>ReceiptId:  #receiptId#</cfoutput>

     <cfcatch type="Any">

Mike Worrall
Work: 913-642-1600 x209
PCS: 913-706-1165

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