OK, If you are running MS Access as your DB, and you need the ODBC drivers to let go of it so that you can hit it with your backup or optimize routine, then the easiest way is to cause an ODBC error on purpose. This will release the connections to the .MDB until the next query hits that asks for stuff from that datasource.
This can be as easy as <cftry> <cfquery name="conkiller" datasource="#request.dsn#"> SELECT NotARealColumn FROM NotARealTable </cfquery> <cfcatch type="ANY"> <cfexecute (your optimize call here...)> </cfcatch> </cftry> You may even want to throw in an exclusive <CFLOCK> to be sure others arent trying to pound on the DB. Cheers! Robin Greenhagen President GreenSoft Solutions, Inc. http://www.greensoft.com/ -----Original Message----- From: Dunwiddie, Bruce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:19 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: [KCFusion] Scheduled Datasource Updating am I crazy, or this a rediculous solution in the age of providing worldwide services in all timezones? and I can only assume that this maintenance is necessary because you're using an access db? -----Original Message----- From: Ellis, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 11:40 AM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: [KCFusion] Scheduled Datasource Updating We have a scheduled BAT file running on our web server each night that updates a database file. The unfortunate thing is we actually down the website to perform the updates and then bring the website back up. The BAT file looks look this: net stop "WORLD WIDE WEB PUBLISHING SERVICE" C:\Update.exe net start "WORLD WIDE WEB PUBLISHING SERVICE" Randy -----Original Message----- From: Bakken, Kory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 11:09 AM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: [KCFusion] Scheduled Datasource Updating I need to schedule maintenance window each night to perform automated repairs and compaction on my main database. I know how to do that, but in order to repair and compact the database, I need to disconnect the datasource that is hitting against it for that period of time. Does anybody know if it is possible to schedule updates to a datasource (i.e.-disconnect and reconnect)? Kory Bakken IT Enterprise Release Management Tools / Process desk: 816.559.4801 pcs: 816.305.5890 ______________________________________________________________________ The KCFusion.org list and website is hosted by Humankind Systems, Inc. List Archives........ http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-list@kcfusion.org Questions, Comments or Glowing Praise.. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To Subscribe.................... mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe................ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ______________________________________________________________________ The KCFusion.org list and website is hosted by Humankind Systems, Inc. List Archives........ http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-list@kcfusion.org Questions, Comments or Glowing Praise.. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To Subscribe.................... mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe................ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ______________________________________________________________________ The KCFusion.org list and website is hosted by Humankind Systems, Inc. List Archives........ http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-list@kcfusion.org Questions, Comments or Glowing Praise.. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To Subscribe.................... mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe................ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ______________________________________________________________________ The KCFusion.org list and website is hosted by Humankind Systems, Inc. List Archives........ http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-list@kcfusion.org Questions, Comments or Glowing Praise.. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To Subscribe.................... mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe................ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]